What to Do in an Emergency

紧急情况下分秒必争,全球网络赌博平台在杰克逊维尔大学的首要任务是 your safety. 在面对灾难时,提前计划并知道会发生什么是必不可少的 or threat. 请花点时间阅读全球网络赌博平台处理高度警戒的分步方法 scenarios on campus.

首先,拨打911报警和通知校园保安应该永远是你的第一个行动 in the situations described in this guide.

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Armed Assault & Terrorist Threat​

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • 在等待安全和/或急救人员时,请远离伤害.
  • 向安全和/或当局提供尽可能多的信息,包括 details about who, what, when, and where.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct evacuation as necessary.
  • Clear fire lanes and building access.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Secure access to campus.
  • Provide timely alerts and/or warnings.

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Sexual Assault​

You should be prepared to:

  • Flee and fight back.
  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • Seek medical attention at the first opportunity.
  • 向安全和/或当局提供尽可能多的信息,包括 有关何人、何事、何时、何地的详细信息,包括对对象的物理描述 perpetrator.
  • 在体检和面试前不洗澡、淋浴或处理衣服 can be completed.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Assist victim and remove from danger.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.

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Civil Disturbances and/or Riots​

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • If near incident, close windows and doors.
  • 在等待安全和/或急救人员时,请远离伤害.
  • Continue normal routine if incident is under control.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Assist victims and remove from incident areas.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.
  • Direct evacuation as necessary.
  • Clear fire lanes and building access.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • 在发生非暴力示威时,协调进出办公室或教室的活动.
  • 提醒其他人员对损坏的设备和/或建筑物进行紧急维修.
  • Secure access to campus as necessary.

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Suspicious Package/Bomb Threat​

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • 疏散该区域并指导他人疏散,并在疏散时提供帮助 possible and remembering that elevators may be disabled.
  • Provide description of object and location.
  • 如果是通过电话收到威胁,尽可能提供以下详细信息:
    • When will the bomb detonate?
    • Where is the bomb located or allegedly located?
    • What type of bomb is it?
    • What does the bomb look like?
    • Why was the bomb placed on campus?
    • Who, if anyone, is claiming responsibility?

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct evacuation as necessary.
  • Clear a 500-foot perimeter.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Secure access to campus.
  • Notify campus when the “all clear” has been given.

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Hostage Situation

As a witness, you should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • 留在现场,向安全和/或当局提供信息.
  • 提供尽可能多的细节,包括谁,什么,何时,和的描述 where.

As a hostage, you should be prepared to:

  • Remain calm and alert.
  • 避免不必要的人身伤害或死亡风险,只有在发生这种情况时才尝试逃跑 not further endanger your life.
  • 不要反抗,让执法部门来领导和应对.
  • Comply with instructions from abductors and police.
  • Avoid engaging abductor in conversation.
  • Do not maintain eye contact with abductor.
  • 在脑海中保持肇事者、事件、动作等的画面.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct evacuation as necessary.
  • Clear a perimeter and secure access to hostage area.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.
  • Assist and remove hostages from danger when possible.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Avoid confrontation with abductors.
  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Secure access to campus, as necessary.

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Death on Campus

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • If first on scene, remember—don’t touch anything.
  • 留在现场,向安全和/或当局提供信息.
  • Continue normal routine, avoiding incident perimeter.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Create a perimeter.
  • 从所有在场的人和与死者有关的人那里收集信息.
  • 拒绝向他人透露细节,离开当局和大学的沟通 team to disseminate information to others as needed.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • 联系并支持执法部门和急救人员.
  • 保持事故区域远离旁观者,并确保现场保持原状 the arrival of law enforcement.
  • 在明显的自杀事件中,将尸体从吊具上移开也是 considered altering the scene and to be avoided.

You can expect the University to:

  • Handle all notifications to next of kin.
  • 与学校牧师、咨询服务和行政部门协调 葬礼安排及随后的公告.
  • 与其他人员协调,对受损区域进行清理和维修 and/or buildings.

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You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • 提供有关受影响地区位置的详细和准确的信息.
  • 疏散该区域并指导他人疏散,并在疏散时提供帮助 possible and remembering that elevators may be disabled.
  • Leave by nearest marked EXIT route.
  • Avoid smoke by staying low to the ground.
  • 在不危及生命的情况下,尽可能使用手持灭火器 further.
  • 如果火势无法控制,关闭门窗隔离区域, but do not lock them.
  • 如果被困在有窗户的房间里,挥舞一块布(任何布料)通知消防/救援人员 available) outside the window.
  • 保持与受灾地区500英尺的距离,直到校园保安给出“全部” clear” to re-enter buildings.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct immediate evacuation.
  • Assist victims and remove from incident areas.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.
  • 清理消防通道和建筑通道,保持500英尺的警戒线.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • Secure access to campus as necessary.
  • 当局发出“安全警报”后通知校园.
  • 提醒其他人员对损坏的设备和/或建筑物进行紧急维修.

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Hazardous Material

You should be prepared to:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • 提供有关受影响地区位置的详细和准确的信息.
  • 疏散该区域并指导他人疏散,并在疏散时提供帮助 possible and remembering that elevators may be disabled.
  • Leave by nearest marked EXIT route.
  • Avoid material contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
  • Shut windows and doors to stop spread of fumes.
  • 保持与受灾地区500英尺的距离,直到校园保安给出“全部” clear” to re-enter buildings.

You can expect first responders to:

  • Direct immediate evacuation.
  • Assist victims and remove from incident areas.
  • Provide immediate medical attention.
  • 清理消防通道和建筑通道,保持500英尺的警戒线.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Support law enforcement and first responders.
  • Keep incident area clear of bystanders.
  • 协调校园检查,确保疏散命令的执行.
  • Secure access to campus as necessary.
  • Determine nature and source of spill/leak.
  • 当局发出“安全警报”后通知校园.
  • 提醒其他人员对损坏的设备和/或建筑物进行紧急维修.

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Weather Emergency



  • 有关部门正在密切关注恶劣天气条件下可能出现的漏斗.
  • 龙卷风已经出现,当局警告你采取必要的预防措施.

有关天气紧急情况和飓风防备的更多信息可在此查阅 here.

You should be prepared to:

  • 在室内寻求庇护,最好是室内走廊或较低的楼层.
  • Avoid seeking shelter in the gymnasium.
  • 避开窗户和门,如果有的话,躲在沉重的家具下.
  • If outdoors, find shelter in a ditch or depression.
  • 请拨打(904)256-7585向校园安全部门报告任何伤害,损坏和/或洪水.

You can expect Campus Security to:

  • Monitor NOAA Weather Radio on 24‐Hour basis.
  • 为即将到来的恶劣天气提供通知和激活警报.
  • Patrol campus, urging everyone to stay indoors.
  • Coordinating with other personnel to:
    • Recall staff working in exposed areas across campus.
    • Secure loose gear, inspect and secure buildings.
    • Inspect campus after storm to assess damage.

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Medical Emergency

Minor Injury/Illness

你应该准备做以下的事情,在发生 minor injury or illness:

  • Alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • 提供有关受害者位置的详细和准确的资料.

Serious Injury/Illness

你应该准备做以下的事情,在发生 serious injury or illness:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • 提供尽可能多的细节,包括你的名字,受害者的确切位置, and the nature of illness/injury.


你应该做好以下准备,以防有人 choking:

  • 大声叫人打911,并在(904)256-7585通知校园保安.
  • From behind, wrap arms around victim’s waist.
  • Make fist, placing thumb side against upper abdomen.
  • 另一只手紧握拳头,快速向上按压受害人上腹部.
  • 不要挤压胸腔,向上的力量来自于手,重复直到物体被排出.
  • Provide as much detail as possible, including your name.

Substance Overdose

在发生事故时,您应该做好以下准备 substance overdose:

  • Call 9-1-1 and alert Campus Security at (904) 256-7585.
  • 提供尽可能多的细节,包括你的名字,受害者的确切位置, and the nature of illness/injury.
  • If victim is conscious, ask the following questions:
    • What type of drug or alcoholic beverage was ingested?
    • How much was ingested, when, and for how long?
  • Do not induce vomiting.
  • Do not provide food or drink, including water.
  • 找到并保留任何可能装有摄入物质的容器.

Mental Health-Related Crisis

在发生事故时,您应该做好以下准备 mental health-related crisis:

  • 保持冷静,和他/她呆在一起,如果可能的话,寻求帮助.
  • 通知校园保安,电话:(904)256-7585,学生咨询中心电话:(904)256-7180, and/or Residence Life staff.
  • 提供尽可能多的细节,包括你的名字和确切的地点 victim.

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感谢您花时间熟悉这些步骤并做好准备 for an emergency.